Did you know?
Eating Seafood at least Twice a week can cut your chances of a heart attack by nearly 50%. That's HALF!
Men eating a diet high in Omega-3 foods such as Salmon and Tuna reduce their risk of advanced Prostate Cancer by 40% ! In fact a Federal Panel of Nutritionists recommended in August that because seafood is so healthy for you that our Federal Government should and is considering recommending Americans to eat it twice weekly, as part of a National Nutrition Policy.
Is your seafood sustainable?
Sustainable seafood is a hot topic these days. "Sustainability" is based on a simple principle - meeting today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs; for example, using a resource but leaving some for the future. In terms of seafood, this means catching or farming seafood responsibly with consideration for the long-term health of the environment and the livelihoods of the people that depend upon the environment. Giovanni's Fish Market & Galley is dedicated of sourcing seafood that is caught using environmentally friendly catch. More Here: https://www.seafoodhealthfacts.org/faqs/
Fresh vs. Frozen
90% of our fish is shipped "Fresh" meaning NEVER Frozen. All of our seafood products are labeled as "Fresh" or "Previously-Frozen" in the Product Description so there is no confusion. Our Frozen offerings are flash frozen while extremely fresh and often vacuum-sealed to lock in freshness.
If you would like frozen products to arrive frozen, we do offer dry ice for an additional surcharge. If dry ice is not selected products received will be partially thawed but kept cold enough from the frozen gel packs to be refrozen if desired.
What's the truth behind Mercury in Swordfish and Tuna?
"Mercury" or more specifically Methylmercury, is a naturally occurring compound found not only in some seafood, but also Beef, Dairy, the soil, and even your own body. True - some elements including mercury, in high levels can be dangerous, specifically to human fetuses. A recent sample showed only one in twenty Swordfish actually contained a level of mercury exceeding 1 part per million. The truth is that according to the FDA consuming Tilefish, King Mackerel, or some Swordfish more than 3 times a week, isn't dangerous, but rather "not advisable" for pregnant women, or women who may become pregnant.
Is Tuna High in Mercury?
While some tunas are higher in mercury, Albacore Tuna whether canned, fresh or Frozen, contains a "NON DETECTABLE" (less than 0.01 ppm) amount of Mercury according to the FDA Study.
Are swordfish endangered?
No,a nd they never were. In fact, Atlantic Swordfish, previously reported threatened, and after just a few years in quota management, is thriving, replenishing its species stocks to a sustainable level. Meaning- As long as Fishermen are kept to the current limit of harvest, The species will reproduce quickly enough so that their numbers will not deplete, but rather will grow.
BREAKING NEWS: NOAA Now Classifies Pacific Swordfish as "Sustainable""Populations of swordfish in the Pacific are very healthy. Pacific swordfish is not overfished and overfishing is not occurring."
I'm pregnant - what fish should I eat?
Limit your consumption of Swordfish, Mackerel, or Tilefish, to 2 times per week or less. Stay with Snapper, Halibut, Salmon, Cod or Lobster to name a few. These contain little or no mercury.
What's the truth behind PCB's?
Polychlorinated biphenyls, commonly referred to as PCB's, occur in not only farmed Salmon, but also Wild fish, as well as Beef, Poultry, Pork, AND Dairy products. PCB's are colorless, have no smell and no taste. Salmon acquire PCB's from the food that they eat. PCB's occur in North American Salmon at about 10 parts per BILLION.
Are you Better off with Beef?
Not a Chance! Beef, Poultry, Pork, and Dairy all contain PCB's, While some Seafood does contain PCB's, Seafood is still a "preferred choice" as a lean protein that offers Vitamins, minerals and nutrients, NOT found in other proteins. Salmon in Very Low in Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol, and is High in Anti-Oxidants, including vitamins E, and C, reducing the buildup of plaque in your arteries.
"Species Sustainability" What Does That Mean?
Simply put the definition is: "A rate of use, that does not exceed rates of re-generation." In short the fish are reproducing Faster than we are catching them. For more information, see http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/.
Is our Ocean being overfished?
It depends on who you ask. Special interest groups funded by several trusts spend about $30,000,000 annually funding litigation, consumer boycotts, and lobbying to advance their view that most of the Seafood consumed in The United States, is not sustainable. However, the National Fisheries Institute, a leading authority on world fish populations says exactly the opposite, In fact, they say that almost all of the Globally bought seafood for the U.S. Market is already harvested at a rate that meets the world's present demand WITHOUT compromising the ability of the species to re-generate for future generations.
Some Facts:
Industry leaders say 75% of the worlds fisheries are currently operating at sustainable levels. (see definition above)
A recent report shows "by-catch" (species caught unintentionally) has declined by 12 million tons. Thanks in part to more efficient fishing gear , federal regulations, and rebuilding programs put in place in recent years by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
A recent report to congress by NOAA many species are steadily coming off of the "over-fished" list.
More information on Sustainability and more can found here: More Here: https://www.seafoodhealthfacts.org/faqs/